With a view to enhance enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children, the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th August 1995, initially in 2408 blocks in the country. By the year 1997-98 the NP-NSPE was introduced in all blocks of the country. It was extended in 2002 to cover children studying in centres running under the Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) and Alternative & Innovative Education (AIE) Scheme and Madarsas/Maktab. The scheme has been further extended to Upper Primary Schools in 2006-07. Since, 2009-10 the scheme covers children studying in National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Schools also.
Since its inspection, the scheme has been revised from time to time and the present provisions are as given below:-
1.Free supply of food grains @ 100 grams per child per school day at Primary and @150 grams per child per school day at Upper Primary.
2.Subsidy for transportation of food grains is provided at a maximum of Rs.98.00 per quintal for other than special categories States/UTs
3.In addition to foodgrains, a mid day meal involves major input, viz.,cost of cooking, which is explained below:
Cost of cooking includes cost of ingredients, e.g. pulses, vegetables, cooking oil and condiments as given below:-
SR. No. | Items | Quantity per day/Child | |
Primary | Upper Primary | ||
1 | Foodgrains | 100 gms | 150 gms |
2 | Pulses | 20 gms | 30 gms |
3 | Vegetables (leafy also) | 50 gms | 75 gms |
4 | Oil &fat | 5 gms | 7.5 gms |
5 | Salt &condiments | As per need | As per need |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | |||
Non-NER States (75:25) | NER-State (90:10) | ||||
Central | State | Central | State | ||
Primary | Rs. 2.89 | Rs. 2.17 | Rs. 0.75 | Rs. 2.60 | Rs. 0.29 |
Upper Primary | Rs. 4.33 | Rs. 3.25 | Rs. 1.08 | Rs. 3.90 | Rs. 0.43 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | |||
Non-NER States (75:25) | NER-State (90:10) | ||||
Central | State | Central | State | ||
Primary | Rs. 3.11 | Rs. 2.33 | Rs. 0.78 | Rs. 2.80 | Rs. 0.31 |
Upper Primary | Rs. 4.65 | Rs. 3.49 | Rs. 1.16 | Rs. 4.19 | Rs. 0.47 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | |||
Non-NER States (75:25) | NER-State(90:10) | ||||
Central | State | Central | State | ||
Primary | Rs. 3.34 | Rs.2.51 | Rs. 0.83 | Rs. 3.01 | Rs. 0.33 |
Upper Primary | Rs. 5.00 | Rs. 3.75 | Rs. 1.25 | Rs. 4.50 | Rs. 0.50 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | |||
Non-NER States (75:25) | NER-State (90:10) | ||||
Central | State | Central | State | ||
Primary | Rs.3.59 | Rs.2.69 | Rs.0.90 | Rs.3.23 | Rs.0.36 |
Upper Primary | Rs. 5.38 | Rs. 4.04 | Rs. 1.34 | Rs. 4.84 | Rs. 0.54 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | ||||||
Non-NER States (60:40) | NER-States (90:10)& 3 Himalayan States |
All UTs(100%) | ||||||
Central | State | Central | State | |||||
Primary | Rs.3.86 | Rs.2.32 | Rs.1.54 | Rs.3.47 | Rs.0.39 | Rs.3.86 | ||
Upper Primary | Rs. 5.78 | Rs. 3.47 | Rs. 2.31 | Rs. 5.20 | Rs. 0.58 | Rs. 5.78 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | ||||||
Non-NER States (60:40) | NER-States (90:10)& 3 Himalayan States |
All UTs (100%) | ||||||
Central | State | Central | State | |||||
Primary | Rs.4.13 | Rs.2.48 | Rs.1.65 | Rs.3.72 | Rs.0.41 | Rs.4.13 | ||
Upper Primary | Rs. 6.18 | Rs. 3.71 | Rs. 2.47 | Rs. 5.56 | Rs. 0.62 | Rs. 6.18 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | ||||||
Non-NER States and UTs with Legislature (60:40) |
NER-States (90:10)& 3 Himalayan States |
UTs without Legislature (100%) |
Central | State | Central | State | |||||
Primary | Rs.4.35 | Rs.2.61 | Rs.1.74 | Rs.3.91 | Rs.0.44 | Rs.4.35 | ||
Upper Primary | Rs. 6.51 | Rs. 3.91 | Rs. 2.60 | Rs. 5.86 | Rs. 0.65 | Rs. 6.51 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | ||||||
Non-NER States and UTs with Legislature (60:40) |
NER-States (90:10)& 3 Himalayan States |
UTs without Legislature (100%) |
Central | State | Central | State | |||||
Primary | Rs.4.48 | Rs.2.69 | Rs.1.79 | Rs.4.03 | Rs.0.45 | Rs.4.48 | ||
Upper Primary | Rs. 6.71 | Rs. 4.03 | Rs. 2.68 | Rs. 6.04 | Rs. 0.67 | Rs. 6.71 |
Stage | Total Cost | Central-State Sharing | ||||||
Non-NER States and UTs with Legislature (60:40) |
NER-States (90:10)& 3 Himalayan States |
UTs without Legislature (100%) |
Central | State | Central | State | |||||
Primary | Rs.4.97 | Rs.2.98 | Rs.1.99 | Rs.4.47 | Rs.0.50 | Rs.4.97 | ||
Upper Primary | Rs. 7.45 | Rs. 4.47 | Rs. 2.98 | Rs.6.70 | Rs. 0.75 | Rs. 7.45 |
4. Engagement of cook-cum-helpers
5. Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (MME)
Provide assistance to States/ UTs for Management, Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) at the rate of 1.8% of total assistance on (a) free food grains, (b) transport cost (c) cooking cost and (d) Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers. Another 0.2% of the above amount will be utilized at the Central Government for management, monitoring and evaluation. The detailed guidelines issued by the Ministry vide letter No. F.1-15/2009-Desk(MDM) dated 21st June, 2010
6. Provision of mid day meal during summer vacation in drought affected areas
7. Provision of essential infrastructures:-
a) Kitchen-cum-stores :-
The cost of construction of Kitchen-cum-store is determined on the basis of State Schedule of Rates and the plinth area norm laid down by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India depending on the number of children studying in schools. However, in case of unconventional item, which do not part of Schedule of Rates, the rates is approved by the State level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee for MDM Scheme with the condition that such estimates should not exceed the cost of the similar design made through conventional item available in the Schedule of Rates. The cost of construction of Kitchen-cum-store is shared between the Centre and the NER States on 90:10 and with other States /UTs on 75:25 basis. The norm for construction of kitchen-cum-store is given below:- 20 sq. mts. plinth area for construction of Kitchen-cum-store in schools having upto 100 children. For every additional upto 100 children additional 4 sq.mt. plinth area will be added. Slab of 100 children may be modified by the States/UTs depending upon local conditions. For example, the hilly areas, where the number of children in schools is less, may have larger slabs. In one State/UT, there can be more than one slab. However, the modified prescription of plinth area will have to conform to the above ceiling.
b) Kitchen Devices:-
Provide assistance in a phased manner for provisioning and replacement of kitchen devices at an average cost of Rs. 5,000 per school. States/ UT Administration will have the flexibility to incur expenditure on the items listed below on the basis of the actual requirements of the school (provided that the overall average for the State/ UT Administration remains Rs 5000 per school): a. Cooking devices (Stove, Chulha, etc) b. Containers for storage of food grains and other ingredients c. Utensils for cooking and serving.
Copyright © 2017 - All Rights Reserved - Official Website of Mid Day Meal Scheme, Directorate of School Education & Literacy, Government of Meghalaya, India
Note: Content on this website is published and managed by Mid Day Meal Scheme, Directorate of School Education & Literacy, Government of Meghalaya
For any query regarding this website, please contact the web information manager :Mr. Ovidio L. Kurbah ,Designation - State MIS MDM email id : ovidio[dot]kurbah[at]gov[dot]in